
Bringing the world of Pokémon to life through film

The animated TV series “Pokémon,” which provided many children with their first encounter with Pokémon, was launched in 1997. The theatrical film version followed a year later, expanding the world depicted in the original anime into a story on grand scale in which Pokémon were vividly portrayed in their lively and lovable selves. Then in 2019, “POKÉMON Detective Pikachu,” Pokémon’s first live-action Hollywood film, hit the screens. Audiences were captivated by the unexpected contrast between Pikachu’s adorably cute appearance and Detective Pikachu’s gruff, tough-talking manner. The film contributed greatly to expanding Pokémon’s fanbase. In the years ahead, we will continue working with creative partners everywhere to provide ever more opportunities for fans, both new and old, to get joy and enjoyment from the world of Pokémon films.

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First encounter with Pokémon through the anime

The “Pokémon” animated TV series, featuring protagonist Ash Ketchum (Satoshi in Japan) and his sidekick Pikachu, has been broadcast in 197 countries and regions, winning an avid and enduring fanbase all around the world. The series pays respect to the scenario of the original “Pokémon” game series but follows its own story line. Twenty-six years after the original anime series starring Ash and Pikachu began, in 2023 a new series was started with new protagonists, a girl named Liko and a boy named Roy. They are joined by a cast of human characters of various ages and diverse backgrounds, allowing myriad stories to unfold that strike a chord with a wider spectrum of fans. By this time, children who grew up glued to their TV screens watching the original “Pokémon” anime series have children of their own, resulting in their shared enjoyment watching the new anime series together. Nowadays such two-generational families of Pokémon fans are remarkably ubiquitous.

Taking the Pokémon game experience to a new level

“Pokémon Evolutions” is the new anime series created in celebration of Pokémon’s 25th anniversary. The series was planned and produced by The Pokémon Company International to express our appreciation to the legions of Pokémon fans around the world by offering them a visual experience based on the “Pokémon” video game. “Pokémon Evolutions” comes in eight episodes featuring the same human characters and Pokémon that fans already know so well from the earlier game titles. Each episode arouses recollections of memorable scenes from the “Pokémon” video game series, only here the stories are presented from the perspectives of characters other than the main protagonists: powerful enemies standing in the way of the protagonist, companions who provide support on journeys of adventure, and so on. Together these new perspectives enable viewers to experience Pokémon in all-new ways. Using a cinematic presentation, “Pokémon Evolutions” conveys the emotions and motivations of its human characters and Pokémon in vivid detail as never before. The result is an anime series that elevates the experience of the video game stories to a new level.

Project development transcending language and cultural barriers

“POKÉMON Detective Pikachu,” our first live-action movie, was made in collaboration with Legendary Pictures, one of America’s leading film production companies, creators of “The Dark Knight” and “Pacific Rim” series. The movie marks the first Pokémon project created directly in English, but to enable its enjoyment by people all around the world, localization into many different languages was performed with meticulous care based on the English version. In creating “POKÉMON Detective Pikachu” extra-special attention was paid to the appearance and movements of the Pokémon: how to portray them as realistically as possible, interacting with humans and blending into the scenery altogether naturally. After exhaustive discussion, the creative team decided that, instead of creating 3D computer images of Pokémon using real living creatures as models, they would create all-new images from scratch reflecting each Pokémon’s individual traits and personality. Working in partnership with Legendary Pictures was an invaluable asset, resulting in an entertaining and truly creative film while remaining faithful in conveying the Pokémon worldview.

Children’s videos that can be safely enjoyed by both kids and their parents

“Pokémon Kids TV” is Pokémon’s official YouTube channel for young viewers. Its contents consist mainly of Pokémon songs, children’s songs from around the world, and videos that promote intellectual growth – the perfect answer to parents or guardians who worry what contents are appropriate to show their children. Besides broadcasts in Japanese, versions are currently available in English, Hindi, Thai and Indonesian, and taken together they have racked up over 2 billion views*. Attention is paid first and foremost to making sure that all contents are safe and appropriate for young viewers. When preparing programs that will feature children’s songs in their native language, for example, songs are selected with consideration paid to the background behind their creation. Also, by providing “Pokémon Kids TV” as a children’s channel separate from our official YouTube channel which offers information on video games and the like, children are safely protected from potentially viewing any content that their parents or guardians would deem inappropriate for them. “Pokémon Kids TV” can be viewed on Amazon Prime Video, in karaoke rooms offering DAM programs, on in-flight entertainment systems, etc. In these ways, we are creating increasing opportunities for children to encounter and enjoy the world of Pokémon.

* As of March 2024